From the lantern room. . .seeing that beam of light reaching out to the sea and the startling reflection of the newly risen moon. . .puts everything in perspective.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Enough is Enough!

It started snowing again late yesterday evening and snowed all night, all day and is still snowing now. During the day the winds reached 40-50 MPH and there were whiteout conditions. I hadn't seen whiteout conditions like that since I was skiing at Araphoe Basin in Summit County, Colorado! The temperature was around 20 degrees with a wind chill of 2 - 4 degrees. The snow blew and swirled and at times the winds were fierce blowing the dogwood tree into the side of the house constantly. We are supposed to get another 12-15" but I haven't been outside to measure yet! We officially reched a record of the most snowfall in a winter in Washington DC. - EVER!. Schools are closed for the remainder of the week and central offices are closed today and Thursday. They will let us know by 4:00 tomorrow if central offices are open Friday. It's amazing how much time I have had - time to catch up - time to do those things I keep putting off. But what did I do? Those things I don't have time for like just relaxing, cooking and baking. I also spent a lot of time on the Internet - just surfing - and of course Face Book. Made four dozen chocolate chip cookies today - for whomever comes by (and cleans off my walks and car). My neighbor came by earlier today to borrow my shovel as they broke theirs today. They said they would be back tomorrow to clean off my walks and car! Guess I know who will be eating the cookies! Have really enjoyed the peaceful quiet of the snow - but the hectic schedule will return!

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