From the lantern room. . .seeing that beam of light reaching out to the sea and the startling reflection of the newly risen moon. . .puts everything in perspective.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Digging Out - Senior Citizen Style!

Once again snow was predicted and most of Friday's meetings were canceled. Delivered a few things to Charles - if the snow came I wasn't sure when I would get back! It started snowing late Friday afternoon - and continued all night and all day Saturday. By Sunday I had at least 24" and could not get out the front door and the snow was packed against the back sliding door. All day the forecast kept saying - be sure your neighbors, especially senior citizens are safe and can get out. Well, I have little strength to shovel more than a few shovels of snow - and besides the condo cleans the sidewalks. So I just waited. When they do clear the sidewalks - I can get to the car and probably clean the snow off the car. I waited and waited. Late afternoon, the two neighbor high school girls who helped me in the December snow storm knocked on my door and wanted to know if I wanted them to clean off my sidewalk and car! In this instance I did not mind being a senior citizen! The girls worked hard and did an amazing job! Even spread salt after they shoveled! It's great to have such caring neighbors!

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