From the lantern room. . .seeing that beam of light reaching out to the sea and the startling reflection of the newly risen moon. . .puts everything in perspective.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Virtual Library Legislative Day!

Today is Virtual Library Day on the Hill! Go to to write your Members of Congress about the importance of libraries. All of us at ALA conference in Anaheim have the opportunity to participate and I hope all of you will -- or have and at the break in Council today, I hope ALL Councilors will write their members of Congress.
We need librarians and library supporters from across the country to call attention to the value of today’s libraries, as well as the issues the library community is facing. This is especially important in an election year, as many of our nation’s legislators will be looking to hear from their constituents. This is our chance to make the library voice heard!
Virtual Library Day on the Hill is an amazing opportunity to showcase the value and importance of libraries to Members of Congress and let them know how important federal funding is to our nation’s libraries.

Click on the link above to go to
ALA's Legislative Action Center
See what library legislation is hot
Send a letter or fax to Congress
U.S. Capitol switchboard 202-225-3121

Thank you for your support of ALL libraries -- especially school libraries!