From the lantern room. . .seeing that beam of light reaching out to the sea and the startling reflection of the newly risen moon. . .puts everything in perspective.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Have you contacted your Senators and Representative Yet?

In this hectic and ultra busy world we live in, it is so easy to say "yes -- I'm going to do that", and then there is a distraction. Please, help us save school libraries and provide our students with the resources and education they need to survive in the 21st Century. If you have put off contacting your Senators or Representative --DO SO NOW!! If you have already contacted them, contact them again and ask them if they have signed on to cosponsor the SKILLs Act.

We need your help to ensure the inclusion of the Strengthening Kids’ Interest in Learning and Libraries (SKILLs) Act in the reauthorization of the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB).
This is the single most important piece of legislation concerning school libraries that will come before Congress this year. Reauthorization of this bill is critical to the future of school libraries.

We have such a short time frame to get our mission accomplished. It is so simple -- go to Type in your zip code and your Representative and Senators will appear, you can click on whether you want to send an email or letter and fill out the info and it is done -- and you have helped!! Thank you for doing so -- all school librarians will thank you!.

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