From the lantern room. . .seeing that beam of light reaching out to the sea and the startling reflection of the newly risen moon. . .puts everything in perspective.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Advocacy for School Libraries and Librarians

Just a few weeks ago, I received an email from a school librarian who had just re-read my Jan/Feb 2006 AASL Presidential Column in Knowledge Quest, Advocacy: The First Step in Achieving it ALL. ( She expressed her frustration with the lack of success we as school librarians have had in changing our status, regardless of the amount of personal advocacy attempts and successes. I have to agree with her. Since the publication of the first Information Power, some twenty years ago, we have been trying to get teachers, administrators and Boards of Education to realize the difference we make in student achievement, and recognize school library media specialists as vital and integral to the instructional process. Yes, we have made a few inroads, but certainly not a unified understanding and acceptance. What is it we need to do?

The fact that "there is still no place in administrators' education where the role and actualization of LMS's on student learning is addressed." or the "disparity across the nation in state education regulations concerning LMS's and LMC's. Our own profession is distracted by arguing about the educational and certification requirements of LMS's" These are all things that contribute to the lack of understanding, but regardless of the amount of time and effort, we need to consistently advocate for our profession and the difference we make in the education of our students. This is why the impending legislation regarding the reauthorization of NCLB is so important to school libraries and librarians. It takes ALL of us working together to get something accomplished -- whether it is the legislation or recognition of school libraries ad librarians in our own state or district. We cannot continue to sit back and let others do it for us -- those who never let up and are always trying to make a difference cannot do it by themselves. many say what can I do, one voice won't make a difference -- but one voice CAN make a difference -- one voice is important, but to turn the perspective it takes all of us together. And we need to think out of our own area. Get other groups to speak for us -- on our behalf. Broaden your sphere of influence and get it to work for you. But regardless, we cannot give up !

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