From the lantern room. . .seeing that beam of light reaching out to the sea and the startling reflection of the newly risen moon. . .puts everything in perspective.

Monday, March 22, 2010

ALA Elections

For those of you who are ALA members you have just received or will be receiving shortly your ballot for the ALA election. As an incoming ALA Executive Board member it is inappropriate for me to endorse any candidate. However, I would ask that you be an informed voter and read the biographies, statements, newsletter and journal articles of the candidates and then vote. Visit both candidates web sites and all the links: and I urge you to vote for the person that can not just lead ALA - but who will move ALA forward. I care deeply about ALA and its future which is the future of librarianship. ALA is at a critical point and we need someone at the President's level with the understanding of ALA's budget, governance and policies to maintain a strong professional organization. My choice for ALA President, I will be glad to discuss with you on a personal basis. This is a critical decision and not one I have made lightly. I am not voting by type of library, region of the country or any other such reason. I am voting for the candidate that can and will do the best job, for all of us! Please join me in doing so! Thank you.

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