From the lantern room. . .seeing that beam of light reaching out to the sea and the startling reflection of the newly risen moon. . .puts everything in perspective.

Monday, March 22, 2010

ALA Elections

For those of you who are ALA members you have just received or will be receiving shortly your ballot for the ALA election. As an incoming ALA Executive Board member it is inappropriate for me to endorse any candidate. However, I would ask that you be an informed voter and read the biographies, statements, newsletter and journal articles of the candidates and then vote. Visit both candidates web sites and all the links: and I urge you to vote for the person that can not just lead ALA - but who will move ALA forward. I care deeply about ALA and its future which is the future of librarianship. ALA is at a critical point and we need someone at the President's level with the understanding of ALA's budget, governance and policies to maintain a strong professional organization. My choice for ALA President, I will be glad to discuss with you on a personal basis. This is a critical decision and not one I have made lightly. I am not voting by type of library, region of the country or any other such reason. I am voting for the candidate that can and will do the best job, for all of us! Please join me in doing so! Thank you.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Enough is Enough!

It started snowing again late yesterday evening and snowed all night, all day and is still snowing now. During the day the winds reached 40-50 MPH and there were whiteout conditions. I hadn't seen whiteout conditions like that since I was skiing at Araphoe Basin in Summit County, Colorado! The temperature was around 20 degrees with a wind chill of 2 - 4 degrees. The snow blew and swirled and at times the winds were fierce blowing the dogwood tree into the side of the house constantly. We are supposed to get another 12-15" but I haven't been outside to measure yet! We officially reched a record of the most snowfall in a winter in Washington DC. - EVER!. Schools are closed for the remainder of the week and central offices are closed today and Thursday. They will let us know by 4:00 tomorrow if central offices are open Friday. It's amazing how much time I have had - time to catch up - time to do those things I keep putting off. But what did I do? Those things I don't have time for like just relaxing, cooking and baking. I also spent a lot of time on the Internet - just surfing - and of course Face Book. Made four dozen chocolate chip cookies today - for whomever comes by (and cleans off my walks and car). My neighbor came by earlier today to borrow my shovel as they broke theirs today. They said they would be back tomorrow to clean off my walks and car! Guess I know who will be eating the cookies! Have really enjoyed the peaceful quiet of the snow - but the hectic schedule will return!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

More Snow Still!

With at least two feet of snow schools were closed on Monday as was Central offices. Finally ventured out for some crawfish and other fixings for Crawfish Stew! The stores were out of everything and people were everywhere! Schools were closed on Tuesday also, but Central offices were open with liberal leave in effect. I took liberal leave as I had a doctors appointment and needed to get some supplies to an elderly friend before snow hit again! I reported to the office to be sure everything was OK - then came home. More snow is predicted to arrive this afternoon and snow all day tomorrow. We are due to get another 12-15". This is really a lot for this area. What could I do but make the stew and enjoy!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Who Dat? Dat the Saints!!!

What a great game and a great win for a great city! The Saints were remarkable this year and rallied to win - even though they started ten points down. A risky opening play of the second half - a great interception and a two point conversion made for a really exciting game. The first ever trip to the Super Bowl for the Saints - and just a few years ago their fans were wearing bags on their heads and calling them The Aint's! So for a die hard Redskin fan - this gives me hope - it can be done! Wouldn't it be great to be on Bourbon Street right now - or at the parade on Tuesday! Hmmm - time to make some Crawfish Stew!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Digging Out - Senior Citizen Style!

Once again snow was predicted and most of Friday's meetings were canceled. Delivered a few things to Charles - if the snow came I wasn't sure when I would get back! It started snowing late Friday afternoon - and continued all night and all day Saturday. By Sunday I had at least 24" and could not get out the front door and the snow was packed against the back sliding door. All day the forecast kept saying - be sure your neighbors, especially senior citizens are safe and can get out. Well, I have little strength to shovel more than a few shovels of snow - and besides the condo cleans the sidewalks. So I just waited. When they do clear the sidewalks - I can get to the car and probably clean the snow off the car. I waited and waited. Late afternoon, the two neighbor high school girls who helped me in the December snow storm knocked on my door and wanted to know if I wanted them to clean off my sidewalk and car! In this instance I did not mind being a senior citizen! The girls worked hard and did an amazing job! Even spread salt after they shoveled! It's great to have such caring neighbors!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Snow and More Snow

Well, I guess we are due as we have had very light winters the last several years - but we seem to be making up for it this year. In December we had a record 18-20" which officially registered as the seventh largest storm in the Washington area. Then last Saturday we ended up with ten inches. That snow was light and rather easy to get off the car. The condo shoveled sidewalks - so it wasn't all that bad. Put on a crock pot of beef stew and just enjoyed it. Then they announced that we would get another 3-4" last night. Schools were closed but I had a delay - but still had to go in. Not too bad - just a nuisance! They say more is on the way this weekend!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

ALA Midwinter in Boston

Well, this year in Boston was not nearly as cold as the last time ALA was in Boston! The schedule was shortened by a day, which made it very compressed. It was good to cut a day off, but it really did seem like things were jammed together. I was very busy with Council and BARC, along with facilitating the AASL candidates forum as Chair of the Nominating Committee.

But I really think I spent every spare moment preparing for my speech before the Council for the ALA Executive Board. I was running against three excellent candidates and then another was nominated from the floor. I was beginning to loose self-confidence! Maybe it was time to quit and let others do the work of ALA? I had lost the ALA Presidential election in 2008 - I lost the Executive Board election in 2009 - and now if I lost this that would be three in a row - and obviously someone was trying to tell me something - three strikes - and you're out. In my own defense, I did not do a good job last year - I just delivered the speech . I was not feeling well and that made all the difference. But here I was given another chance - and I rallied in the opportunity.

When I was notified in October that the Committee on Committees had nominated me again - I was shocked. I had no indication that I would be nominated. Finally, Monday arrived and speeches were after Council II So when I could, I reviewed my speech. At one point, a friend and fellow Councilor sitting next to me said "I don't care what you say - I'm going to vote for you!' That restored some self confidence! The speeches were all really good - and I felt it was a toss-up. Voted and waited - until around 8:00 for the results.

When Lois Ann Gregory called I could not believe that I was elected! Two candidates were elected - myself and Kevin Reynolds from Tennessee. Thank you to everyone who put their confidence in me! I am still so excited and looking forward to my new role in ALA with renewed energy to do the work of ALA. I've got time before my flight, so I'm going to observe the Executive Board in action. The rest of conference is a blur at the moment.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

New Year's Resolutions

Obviously, I am one who helps make up the large percentage of the national average that does not keep their New Year's Resolutions - as proof from my last entry in January 2009 where I resolved to write on my blog - well, I didn't - but with this I hope to do better this year! Lets see how I do!