From the lantern room. . .seeing that beam of light reaching out to the sea and the startling reflection of the newly risen moon. . .puts everything in perspective.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

The Devastation Continues

As if the original two position eliminations wasn't bad enough -- or the next eleven wasn't bad enough - I now find that one more key employee is being transferred. Transferred??? Why you ask? There is no answer. That leaves nine employees to do what 23 were doing -- which originally 29 were doing. Through the last five years we have worked smarter and scaled down services and looked at new ways to do things. We had done all we could and staff had taken on as many new responsibilities as they could -- which of course increased their work time and hours but without additional help or compensation. And this is how dedication is rewarded? In addition to the 60% loss of staff we now can talk about the actual budget. The funding for the integrated library system was slightly reduced as was the database budget, but that we will be able to survive. But then when you add all the other budget line items, like equipment repair, new equipment, materials of instruction, professional library resources, professional development, etc., my budget was cut 92% -- no typo here -- 92% or in other words, I have 8% of the budget I had in previous years. Can this be real? Yes, it is! Once again the message is clear -- that libraries and the instructional value they add and their contribution to student achievement is not valued.

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