From the lantern room. . .seeing that beam of light reaching out to the sea and the startling reflection of the newly risen moon. . .puts everything in perspective.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

The Outer Banks of North Carolina - I need your magic again!

I need to repeat what I wrote on my blog in May 2010 "The Outer Banks are magical -- at least that is what I have always felt for the thirty-eight years I have been coming here. Through the years it has been the place I would go to sort out life's challenges and disappointments. A place to put things in perspective and figure out what to do or how to handle a particular situation. That is why, for now, I moved the saying at the end of my blog to the top right under the title. And through the years, even though I have seen unbelievable changes in the area, the ability to help me deal with life has not changed. Sitting on the beach looking out to the ocean can do wonders to clear my mind and prioritize what is important!"   That's why I am planning a trip to the OBX the first of March, and I know it won't fail me this time," but provide me once again with a safe haven to get emotions out of the way so I can see things clearly and deal with the situation and move forward"

I am faced with a major life change - retirement.  Do I want to - no not really = but it may be time for many other reasons.  Two years ago I took a class that indicated that I should be able to answer two questions - Why am I retiring?  And what am I retiring to?  I do not really have an answer - especially for the second one.  Can I afford it financially?  How will my life change?  What will I do? I have never known a time I did not work - except for the year I took off to get my Masters and the couple times I had extended illnesses.  For me, it is not an easy answer.  So I'm hoping the magic of the Outer Banks will help me once again.

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