Just within the last two days I received in my email three examples of how school librarians and school libraries -- not to mention our students -- are suffering at the hand of NCLB. We must continue to rally and tell our stories to Congress, so we will be included in the reauthorization of NCLB so this will STOP. I have omitted names and parts of the original text, but no change in the issue. If you read LM_Net or AASLForum, you have see the first example. To help with clarification, my words are in italics.
“. . .Title IIA, federal funds for Professional Development, will not pay for librarians' conferences or training. I recently applied for funding to go to AASL, . . .I am very unhappy about the situation. . . .21st Century Learning, which mediates Title IIA funds for the. . archdiocese sent my principal the following e-mail: “. . . I am not able to approve your request for Title IIA funds for the American Association of School Librarians Conference because Title IIA guidelines very specifically detail that the funds are to be used for sustained professional development for teachers and administrators. Training must be focused on improving student achievement in core academic areas or on improving instructional strategies or classroom management techniques. . .Perhaps it's time to send protests to your legislators. I certainly will. Perhaps you should do so too"
And here is the great response from a member of the AASL NCLB Task Force. "Thank you for this very real example of how teacher-librarians are affected by the provisions of NCLB. When you call your representatives to protest, make sure that you ask them to co-sponsor the SKILLs Act (HR 2864/S 1699). This legislation will amend NCLB to include teacher-librarians for consideration for Title IIA funding. As. . .stated, teacher-librarians are not currently considered part of the "core academic areas" and therefore ineligible for these funds under the current provisions of NCLB. The successful passage of the SKILLs Act will change this. Don't just protest, make sure you ask your reps to co-sponsor the SKILLs Act!"
Teacher-librarians might not be considered part of the "core academic areas" but the skills we teach and the collaboration we do with the core academic teachers certainly focus on improving student achievement in the core areas as in all areas of our students education. And even if not considered to be approved by that criteria the sessions at the AASL Conference in Reno the end of October, all focus on improving instructional strategies -- or even classroom management techniques. It is unbelievable that those making the decision do not understand this! Help us change this!
Example 2
"NCLB seems to be taking a toll on school library media specialist positions. The most recent disaster has been the dismantling of the Department of School Libraries in Pennsylvania. This Department was moved into the Pennsylvania State Library many years ago with school librarians kicking and screaming because it was no longer in Curriculum and Instruction. However, the State Library in PA is a part of the Department of Education and they were able to mix ESEA and LSTA funds to do marvelous things like hire additional staff using LSTA funds.The Department grew exercising strong leadership under first Doris Epler (who helped create the state-wide database for all types of libraries) and then John Emerick who worked to create the Power Library. Their resource center was one of the finest in the nation. A governor's (former mayor of Philadelphia) made an appointment of a State Education Department Director who saw how good the resource center was to answer questions and moved the staff into his public relations department. Only one other person remains and they aren't sure this person will be able to go out to libraries as the staff have been doing previously. Only one person is left to go out to talk with superintendents and principals when they decide to do without a school librarian."
Having known John Emerick and worked with some outstanding school library media specialists in Pennsylvania, I know what the Department has been able to accomplished in the past years. It appears that Pennsylvania like many other states is doing away with the school library media department -- or making it so small that it is extremely ineffective. Evidence of the lack of understanding of what school libraries and school librarians do to increase student achievement and improve reading skills. Without being in NCLB we are looked at as an easy place to cut budgets to apply to what is mandated.
Example 3
"In California, a recent discussion has revolved around a principal who put the reading teacher in charge of the elementary school library -- not even with a library technician. The reading teacher immediately rearranged the library by Accelerated Reader levels.
This is happening more and more. Many school libraries are operated by someone without a degree -- a parent volunteer or an aide. NCLB calls for literacy coaches as well as technology people -- both of which fall into the arena of school library media specialists -- yet others are being hired with little to no recognition of the work school library media specialists do to increase student achievement.
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Advocacy for School Libraries and Librarians
Just a few weeks ago, I received an email from a school librarian who had just re-read my Jan/Feb 2006 AASL Presidential Column in Knowledge Quest, Advocacy: The First Step in Achieving it ALL. (www.ala.org/ala/aasl/aaslpubsandjournals/kqweb/kqarchives/volume34/34-3_Williams.pdf) She expressed her frustration with the lack of success we as school librarians have had in changing our status, regardless of the amount of personal advocacy attempts and successes. I have to agree with her. Since the publication of the first Information Power, some twenty years ago, we have been trying to get teachers, administrators and Boards of Education to realize the difference we make in student achievement, and recognize school library media specialists as vital and integral to the instructional process. Yes, we have made a few inroads, but certainly not a unified understanding and acceptance. What is it we need to do?
The fact that "there is still no place in administrators' education where the role and actualization of LMS's on student learning is addressed." or the "disparity across the nation in state education regulations concerning LMS's and LMC's. Our own profession is distracted by arguing about the educational and certification requirements of LMS's" These are all things that contribute to the lack of understanding, but regardless of the amount of time and effort, we need to consistently advocate for our profession and the difference we make in the education of our students. This is why the impending legislation regarding the reauthorization of NCLB is so important to school libraries and librarians. It takes ALL of us working together to get something accomplished -- whether it is the legislation or recognition of school libraries ad librarians in our own state or district. We cannot continue to sit back and let others do it for us -- those who never let up and are always trying to make a difference cannot do it by themselves. many say what can I do, one voice won't make a difference -- but one voice CAN make a difference -- one voice is important, but to turn the perspective it takes all of us together. And we need to think out of our own area. Get other groups to speak for us -- on our behalf. Broaden your sphere of influence and get it to work for you. But regardless, we cannot give up !
The fact that "there is still no place in administrators' education where the role and actualization of LMS's on student learning is addressed." or the "disparity across the nation in state education regulations concerning LMS's and LMC's. Our own profession is distracted by arguing about the educational and certification requirements of LMS's" These are all things that contribute to the lack of understanding, but regardless of the amount of time and effort, we need to consistently advocate for our profession and the difference we make in the education of our students. This is why the impending legislation regarding the reauthorization of NCLB is so important to school libraries and librarians. It takes ALL of us working together to get something accomplished -- whether it is the legislation or recognition of school libraries ad librarians in our own state or district. We cannot continue to sit back and let others do it for us -- those who never let up and are always trying to make a difference cannot do it by themselves. many say what can I do, one voice won't make a difference -- but one voice CAN make a difference -- one voice is important, but to turn the perspective it takes all of us together. And we need to think out of our own area. Get other groups to speak for us -- on our behalf. Broaden your sphere of influence and get it to work for you. But regardless, we cannot give up !
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Committee for Educational Funding - Gala 2007 Banquet
I had the pleasure of attending the Committee for Education Funding Gala 2007 Banquet last night. What a wonderful opportunity to network with people and organizations that deal with education. The Gala sponsors included the American Federation of Teachers, the National Education Association, the Student Aid Alliance, National Association of Private Special Education Centers, National School Boards Association, The College Board, with a long list of table sponsors, and contributors. More than ever, it brought to light that we need to reach out to all educational organizations and tell them our story and get their support for school libraries. Having them speak on our behalf to Congress does our cause a world of good. It is the type of strong support we need. So reach out and contact anyone in the education arena that can help us.
The theme of the Gala was "When Our Students Succeed, Our Nation Succeeds". Three Awards were presented:
The Charles Wilson Lee Citizen Service Award "for distinguished public service in support of education as an investment in America's children, youth and adults" was presented to Former President George H.W. Bush and Former President William Jefferson Clinton for the Bush-Clinton Katrina Fund.
The William H. Natcher Distinguished Service Award, "for distinguished service during the 110th Congress in elevating the priority for education funding to ensure better opportunities for our nation's citizens" was presented to The Honorable Dave Obey, US House of Representatives from Wisconsin's 7th District and the Honorable Jim Walsh, US House of Representatives from New York's 25th District.
The Outstanding New Member Award, "for demonstrating commitment to our nation's students by advocating education as an investment in the future" was awarded to the Honorable John Yarmuth, US House of Representatives from Kentucky's 3rd District.
The theme of the Gala was "When Our Students Succeed, Our Nation Succeeds". Three Awards were presented:
The Charles Wilson Lee Citizen Service Award "for distinguished public service in support of education as an investment in America's children, youth and adults" was presented to Former President George H.W. Bush and Former President William Jefferson Clinton for the Bush-Clinton Katrina Fund.
The William H. Natcher Distinguished Service Award, "for distinguished service during the 110th Congress in elevating the priority for education funding to ensure better opportunities for our nation's citizens" was presented to The Honorable Dave Obey, US House of Representatives from Wisconsin's 7th District and the Honorable Jim Walsh, US House of Representatives from New York's 25th District.
The Outstanding New Member Award, "for demonstrating commitment to our nation's students by advocating education as an investment in the future" was awarded to the Honorable John Yarmuth, US House of Representatives from Kentucky's 3rd District.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
PLEASE!! Continue Contacting Your Senators and Representative
Please continue to contact your Senators and Representatives to cosign the SKILLs Act so the support will help us get the amendment into the NCLB. We have only another week to do so!!
Please take action and pass this on to anyone -- school librarians -- teachers -- administrators -- parents -- even students. We have one and only one window of opportunity to make a difference and get the legislation in our favor. Please contact your Senators and Representatives NOW!!!! Please join together and send in a flood of calls, letters -- just contact them!!
I am copying below the information about the SKILLs Act and also talking points to use when contacting Congress. Thank you so much for your help! Our students -- the leaders of tomorrow -- will also thank you!
088September 11, 2007
Only TWO WEEKS Left to Save School Libraries
We need your help – ALL LIBRARIANS AND LIBRARY ADVOCATES – to ensure the inclusion of the Strengthening Kids’ Interest in Learning and Libraries (SKILLs) Act in the reauthorization of the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB). This is the single most important piece of legislation concerning school libraries that will come before Congress this year. Reauthorization of this bill is critical to the future of school libraries.
On September 24, the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Education and Labor will be considering reauthorization of the NCLB. In order for the SKILLs Act to be included in NCLB – that is, to place a state-certified school library media specialist in every school – each member of the House must co-sponsor the SKILLS Act.
There is little more than two weeks to accomplish this goal and the name of your Representative must appear on this bill. If your Representative’s name does not appear as a co-sponsor, please call his/her office immediately and request that he/she support the SKILLs Act. If your Representative’s name DOES appear on this bill, contact his/her office and thank him/her for the continued support of school libraries and school library media specialists.
Raul Grijalva (AZ-7)Vernon Ehlers (MI-3)
Bart Gordon (TN-6)Tim Holden (PA-17)Steve Cohen (TN-9)James McGovern (MA-3)
When contacting your Representative prepare yourself to state why this issue is of critical importance:
The SKILLs Act
*Requires school districts, to the extent feasible, to ensure that every school within the district employs at least one state-certified school library media specialist in each school library;
*Defines state-certified school library media specialists as those who have a bachelor’s degree and have obtained full state certification as a school library media specialist or passed the state teacher licensing examination, with state certification in library media in such state;
*Establishes as a state goal that there be at least one state-certified school library media specialist in every public school no later than the beginning of the 2010-2011 school year;
*Broadens the focus of training, professional development, and recruitment activities to include school library media specialists;
*Ensures that funds will serve elementary, middle, and high school students;
*Requires books and materials to be appropriate for and engage the interest of students in all grade levels and students with special learning needs, including English language learners.
Talking Points
*Multiple studies have affirmed that there is a clear link between school library media programs that are staffed by a school library media specialist and student academic achievement. Across the United States, research has shown that students in schools with good school libraries learn more, get better grades, and score higher on standardized test scores than their peers in schools without libraries.
*Academic Librarians: School libraries are KEY to ensuring college readiness.
*Public Librarians: School library media specialists give students the skills they need to utilize your library to its fullest extent.
*Long regarded as the cornerstone of the school community, school libraries are no longer just for books. Instead, they have become sophisticated 21st century learning environments offering a full range of print and electronic resources that provide equal learning opportunities to all students, regardless of the socio-economic or education levels of the community – but only when they are staffed by school library media specialists trained to collaborate with teachers and engage students meaningfully with information that matters to them both in the classroom and in the real world.
*Only about 60 percent of our school libraries have a full-time, state-certified school library media specialist on staff.
*With limited funding and an increased focus on school performance, administrators are trying to stretch dollars and cut funds across various programs to ensure that maximum resources are dedicated to improving student academic achievement.
*Because NCLB does not highlight the direct correlation between school library media specialists and increased student academic achievement, library resource budgets are increasingly being used to mitigate the effects of budgetary shortfalls.
Send a letter or fax to Congress
U.S. Capitol switchboard 202-225-3121
Please take action and pass this on to anyone -- school librarians -- teachers -- administrators -- parents -- even students. We have one and only one window of opportunity to make a difference and get the legislation in our favor. Please contact your Senators and Representatives NOW!!!! Please join together and send in a flood of calls, letters -- just contact them!!
I am copying below the information about the SKILLs Act and also talking points to use when contacting Congress. Thank you so much for your help! Our students -- the leaders of tomorrow -- will also thank you!
088September 11, 2007
Only TWO WEEKS Left to Save School Libraries
We need your help – ALL LIBRARIANS AND LIBRARY ADVOCATES – to ensure the inclusion of the Strengthening Kids’ Interest in Learning and Libraries (SKILLs) Act in the reauthorization of the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB). This is the single most important piece of legislation concerning school libraries that will come before Congress this year. Reauthorization of this bill is critical to the future of school libraries.
On September 24, the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Education and Labor will be considering reauthorization of the NCLB. In order for the SKILLs Act to be included in NCLB – that is, to place a state-certified school library media specialist in every school – each member of the House must co-sponsor the SKILLS Act.
There is little more than two weeks to accomplish this goal and the name of your Representative must appear on this bill. If your Representative’s name does not appear as a co-sponsor, please call his/her office immediately and request that he/she support the SKILLs Act. If your Representative’s name DOES appear on this bill, contact his/her office and thank him/her for the continued support of school libraries and school library media specialists.
Raul Grijalva (AZ-7)Vernon Ehlers (MI-3)
Bart Gordon (TN-6)Tim Holden (PA-17)Steve Cohen (TN-9)James McGovern (MA-3)
When contacting your Representative prepare yourself to state why this issue is of critical importance:
The SKILLs Act
*Requires school districts, to the extent feasible, to ensure that every school within the district employs at least one state-certified school library media specialist in each school library;
*Defines state-certified school library media specialists as those who have a bachelor’s degree and have obtained full state certification as a school library media specialist or passed the state teacher licensing examination, with state certification in library media in such state;
*Establishes as a state goal that there be at least one state-certified school library media specialist in every public school no later than the beginning of the 2010-2011 school year;
*Broadens the focus of training, professional development, and recruitment activities to include school library media specialists;
*Ensures that funds will serve elementary, middle, and high school students;
*Requires books and materials to be appropriate for and engage the interest of students in all grade levels and students with special learning needs, including English language learners.
Talking Points
*Multiple studies have affirmed that there is a clear link between school library media programs that are staffed by a school library media specialist and student academic achievement. Across the United States, research has shown that students in schools with good school libraries learn more, get better grades, and score higher on standardized test scores than their peers in schools without libraries.
*Academic Librarians: School libraries are KEY to ensuring college readiness.
*Public Librarians: School library media specialists give students the skills they need to utilize your library to its fullest extent.
*Long regarded as the cornerstone of the school community, school libraries are no longer just for books. Instead, they have become sophisticated 21st century learning environments offering a full range of print and electronic resources that provide equal learning opportunities to all students, regardless of the socio-economic or education levels of the community – but only when they are staffed by school library media specialists trained to collaborate with teachers and engage students meaningfully with information that matters to them both in the classroom and in the real world.
*Only about 60 percent of our school libraries have a full-time, state-certified school library media specialist on staff.
*With limited funding and an increased focus on school performance, administrators are trying to stretch dollars and cut funds across various programs to ensure that maximum resources are dedicated to improving student academic achievement.
*Because NCLB does not highlight the direct correlation between school library media specialists and increased student academic achievement, library resource budgets are increasingly being used to mitigate the effects of budgetary shortfalls.
Send a letter or fax to Congress
U.S. Capitol switchboard 202-225-3121
Legislative Action,
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Well, it can never be all work and no play!! What a fantastic victory for the Washington Redskins over their division rival the Philadelphia Eagles on Monday night national television. The previous years' records of losses to Philly made this victory at their home all the sweeter! The awesome defense held them to field goals -- no touchdowns!!! We are 2-0, Philly is 0-2. What a great way to start the season. The Giants, also a division rival and with a starting record of 0-2, come to town on Sunday evening. Could we be celebrating a 3-0 start on Monday morning? The fans are getting excited about a great and winning season -- now how do the playoff games conflict with ALA Midwinter??? Going to get out the January 08 calendar and start planning! Hmm, with Midwinter in Philadelphia, I could take the train down and back if the playoffs are at home!!
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Have you contacted your Senators and Representative Yet?
In this hectic and ultra busy world we live in, it is so easy to say "yes -- I'm going to do that", and then there is a distraction. Please, help us save school libraries and provide our students with the resources and education they need to survive in the 21st Century. If you have put off contacting your Senators or Representative --DO SO NOW!! If you have already contacted them, contact them again and ask them if they have signed on to cosponsor the SKILLs Act.
We need your help to ensure the inclusion of the Strengthening Kids’ Interest in Learning and Libraries (SKILLs) Act in the reauthorization of the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB).
This is the single most important piece of legislation concerning school libraries that will come before Congress this year. Reauthorization of this bill is critical to the future of school libraries.
We have such a short time frame to get our mission accomplished. It is so simple -- go to http://capwiz.com/ala/issues/alert/?alertid=10223941 Type in your zip code and your Representative and Senators will appear, you can click on whether you want to send an email or letter and fill out the info and it is done -- and you have helped!! Thank you for doing so -- all school librarians will thank you!.
We need your help to ensure the inclusion of the Strengthening Kids’ Interest in Learning and Libraries (SKILLs) Act in the reauthorization of the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB).
This is the single most important piece of legislation concerning school libraries that will come before Congress this year. Reauthorization of this bill is critical to the future of school libraries.
We have such a short time frame to get our mission accomplished. It is so simple -- go to http://capwiz.com/ala/issues/alert/?alertid=10223941 Type in your zip code and your Representative and Senators will appear, you can click on whether you want to send an email or letter and fill out the info and it is done -- and you have helped!! Thank you for doing so -- all school librarians will thank you!.
Legislative Action,
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Just as I was about to create a post on this critical time for school libraries, Sylvia Norton, AASL Division Councilor posted this message to the ALA Council listserv. It was so well written that I am posting it rather than creating my own. It deserves your attention!!!
"Ever realize that this is a critical turning point for something you really care about? Well, the next two weeks is a turning point for those who care about kids and libraries. We are in a critical two week period to enlist members of the House to sign on as co-sponsors for the Strengthening Kids’ Interest in Learning and Libraries (SKILLs) Act. At Annual in DC the Council unanimously adopted the resolution on No Child Left Behind. Now is the time to demonstrate your support for inclusion of the Strengthening Kids’ Interest in Learning and Libraries (SKILLs) Act in the reauthorization of the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) by contacting your Representative.
The sad reality is school librarians were overlooked in NCLB. Sure, in my work as a state level school library coordinator you can hear me advocate that the library media specialist is included as NCLB focuses on reading, literacy and using technology. I know that means library media specialists are needed to select books, collaborate with classroom teachers, instruct how to find quality online information, and all the other work in a school library program which ensures students are effective users of ideas and information. Many of the schools I see, however, are hiring a literacy specialist to select books for classroom libraries and a technology integrator to show how to evaluate websites on their laptops. Those can be valuable positions in a school, but library media specialists are being left behind to the detriment of our students. Without the specific mention of “library media specialist” in NCLB, too many of our school libraries are being left as stagnant collections without qualified staff. As Congress moves towards NCLB reauthorization it is crucial that school library media specialists are included.
This is the single most important piece of legislation concerning school libraries that will come before Congress this year. Reauthorization of this bill is critical to the future of school libraries. Our 21st century kids with laptops need to see dynamic school libraries and library media specialists or libraries in general may eventually be left behind. Congress needs to hear from librarians, teachers, administrators, parents, and anyone who sees a school library media specialist as critical to learning. Effective school library programs make a difference for students. All of us who believe that libraries make a difference in our lives need to support the SKILLS Act.
Please contact your Representative and ask him or her to sign on as a co-sponsor of the Strengthening Kids’ Interest in Learning and Libraries (SKILLs) Act in the reauthorization of the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB).
The ALA Washington Office has included talking points for public and academic librarians as part of its action alert.
For more contact information and talking points go to:
"Ever realize that this is a critical turning point for something you really care about? Well, the next two weeks is a turning point for those who care about kids and libraries. We are in a critical two week period to enlist members of the House to sign on as co-sponsors for the Strengthening Kids’ Interest in Learning and Libraries (SKILLs) Act. At Annual in DC the Council unanimously adopted the resolution on No Child Left Behind. Now is the time to demonstrate your support for inclusion of the Strengthening Kids’ Interest in Learning and Libraries (SKILLs) Act in the reauthorization of the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) by contacting your Representative.
The sad reality is school librarians were overlooked in NCLB. Sure, in my work as a state level school library coordinator you can hear me advocate that the library media specialist is included as NCLB focuses on reading, literacy and using technology. I know that means library media specialists are needed to select books, collaborate with classroom teachers, instruct how to find quality online information, and all the other work in a school library program which ensures students are effective users of ideas and information. Many of the schools I see, however, are hiring a literacy specialist to select books for classroom libraries and a technology integrator to show how to evaluate websites on their laptops. Those can be valuable positions in a school, but library media specialists are being left behind to the detriment of our students. Without the specific mention of “library media specialist” in NCLB, too many of our school libraries are being left as stagnant collections without qualified staff. As Congress moves towards NCLB reauthorization it is crucial that school library media specialists are included.
This is the single most important piece of legislation concerning school libraries that will come before Congress this year. Reauthorization of this bill is critical to the future of school libraries. Our 21st century kids with laptops need to see dynamic school libraries and library media specialists or libraries in general may eventually be left behind. Congress needs to hear from librarians, teachers, administrators, parents, and anyone who sees a school library media specialist as critical to learning. Effective school library programs make a difference for students. All of us who believe that libraries make a difference in our lives need to support the SKILLS Act.
Please contact your Representative and ask him or her to sign on as a co-sponsor of the Strengthening Kids’ Interest in Learning and Libraries (SKILLs) Act in the reauthorization of the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB).
The ALA Washington Office has included talking points for public and academic librarians as part of its action alert.
For more contact information and talking points go to:
Saturday, September 8, 2007
Reauthorization of NCLB and the SKILLs Act
I have reprinted the previous four posts from the AASL Blog just to remind all of you that we have been keeping you informed of the SKILLs Act helping us to get our wording in any reauthorization of NCLB. ALA and the Washington Office have been working on our behalf and we need to let them know we appreciate their efforts and show our support by letting our Senators and Representatives know the importance of school library media professionals and the positive effect they make on student achievement. In any rewrite of the NCLB -- we need to be included in any highly qualified category.
The House released its first draft of Title I for the NCLB reauthorization`last week and other Titles will be released shortly. Our language is not in the base bill in the House. The Washigton Office will continue to push for the language we want to be added as an amendment. They are working to find a sponsor for the amendment on the Education and Labor Committee. When they do have a sponsor in the House identified, there will be a different message. They will then ask for people to contact their Representative if they are on the Committee to support the amendment.
For now for the SKILLs Act we are staying with the same message. Contact your Representative and Senators and ask them to sign on as a co-sponsor the SKILLs Act. We always knew that the SKILLs Act would not pass as a stand alone bill. It was always meant to be included in NCLB. Having as many co-sponsors as we can get makes it easier for the amendment to move.
Please join in and help us get this legislation accomplished!!!
The House released its first draft of Title I for the NCLB reauthorization`last week and other Titles will be released shortly. Our language is not in the base bill in the House. The Washigton Office will continue to push for the language we want to be added as an amendment. They are working to find a sponsor for the amendment on the Education and Labor Committee. When they do have a sponsor in the House identified, there will be a different message. They will then ask for people to contact their Representative if they are on the Committee to support the amendment.
For now for the SKILLs Act we are staying with the same message. Contact your Representative and Senators and ask them to sign on as a co-sponsor the SKILLs Act. We always knew that the SKILLs Act would not pass as a stand alone bill. It was always meant to be included in NCLB. Having as many co-sponsors as we can get makes it easier for the amendment to move.
Please join in and help us get this legislation accomplished!!!
SKILLs Act Needs Action Now
Reprinted from the AASLBlog August 28, 2007
Filed under: AASL News, AASL Community, Hot Topics — droth @ 10:00:28 pm
Now is the time to CONTACT YOUR SENATORS AND REPRESENTATIVE. Contact them this week, while they are home in their states and districts, or next week when they return to Washington DC. Do not wait any longer. Congress could decide the SKILLs Act very soon.
SUMMARY of the SKILLs Act and REASONS TO SUPPORT IT: http://www.ala.org/ala/aasl/aaslissues/SKILLS_Act.cfmand the Talking Points link from there.
WHAT YOU CAN DO:•ASK YOUR SENATORS TO CO-SPONSOR S. 1699, the SKILLs Act bill in the Senate.
•ASK YOUR REPRESENTATIVE TO CO-SPONSOR H.R. 2864, the SKILLs Act bill in the House.
SOME WAYS TO CONTACT YOUR SENATORS AND REPRESENTATIVES:•Go to their office in your district before they return to Washington DC if you can. Bring librarians, parents, teachers and other supporters with you if possible.
•Write a letter -- fax or email it to your Senators and Representative (U.S. Mail is too slow; it needs a security check). Get librarians, parents, teachers and other supporters to write and send letters, too.
•Phone your Senators and Representative at their office and ask them to co-sponsor the SKILLS Act. Get other supporters to do this, too.
To find your SENATORS’ CONTACT INFORMATION: http://www.senate.gov/general/contact_information/senators_cfm.cfm
To find your REPRESENTATIVE’S CONTACT INFORMATION: http://www.house.gov/house/MemberWWW.shtml
FINALLY,When you hear from a Senator or Representative about their position on SKILLs, please let me know -- aasl.legis@gmail.com
Filed under: AASL News, AASL Community, Hot Topics — droth @ 10:00:28 pm
Now is the time to CONTACT YOUR SENATORS AND REPRESENTATIVE. Contact them this week, while they are home in their states and districts, or next week when they return to Washington DC. Do not wait any longer. Congress could decide the SKILLs Act very soon.
SUMMARY of the SKILLs Act and REASONS TO SUPPORT IT: http://www.ala.org/ala/aasl/aaslissues/SKILLS_Act.cfmand the Talking Points link from there.
WHAT YOU CAN DO:•ASK YOUR SENATORS TO CO-SPONSOR S. 1699, the SKILLs Act bill in the Senate.
•ASK YOUR REPRESENTATIVE TO CO-SPONSOR H.R. 2864, the SKILLs Act bill in the House.
SOME WAYS TO CONTACT YOUR SENATORS AND REPRESENTATIVES:•Go to their office in your district before they return to Washington DC if you can. Bring librarians, parents, teachers and other supporters with you if possible.
•Write a letter -- fax or email it to your Senators and Representative (U.S. Mail is too slow; it needs a security check). Get librarians, parents, teachers and other supporters to write and send letters, too.
•Phone your Senators and Representative at their office and ask them to co-sponsor the SKILLS Act. Get other supporters to do this, too.
To find your SENATORS’ CONTACT INFORMATION: http://www.senate.gov/general/contact_information/senators_cfm.cfm
To find your REPRESENTATIVE’S CONTACT INFORMATION: http://www.house.gov/house/MemberWWW.shtml
FINALLY,When you hear from a Senator or Representative about their position on SKILLs, please let me know -- aasl.legis@gmail.com
Reach out and "touch" your Congress people NOW. Phone calls are needed.
Reprinted from AASL Blog - August 7, 2007
Filed under: AASL Community, Committees — Sara Kelly JOHNS
Please feel free to cross-post this anywhere you think school librarians are "listening."* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
I heard from the ALA Washington Office yesterday that RIGHT NOW is a crucial time for getting the SKILLs legislation through Congress and that phone calls to our senators and representatives are the most effective means of communication for our message. Emily Sheketoff and Melanie Anderson of the ALA Washington Office are encouraging school librarians to go to the the Washington Office Legislative Action Center which provides phone numbers for offices (just search by your zip code) and talking points for us to use.
It's time for Congress to hear our LOUD voices in support of including school librarians as highly qualified in NCLB. We don't have to endorse NCLB to be included in it when students will benefit so greatly from strong school library programs staffed by highly qualified school library media specialists. The ALA Washington Office makes it much easier for us to show our support...Just do it! It matters for kids.
Filed under: AASL Community, Committees — Sara Kelly JOHNS
Please feel free to cross-post this anywhere you think school librarians are "listening."* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
I heard from the ALA Washington Office yesterday that RIGHT NOW is a crucial time for getting the SKILLs legislation through Congress and that phone calls to our senators and representatives are the most effective means of communication for our message. Emily Sheketoff and Melanie Anderson of the ALA Washington Office are encouraging school librarians to go to the the Washington Office Legislative Action Center which provides phone numbers for offices (just search by your zip code) and talking points for us to use.
It's time for Congress to hear our LOUD voices in support of including school librarians as highly qualified in NCLB. We don't have to endorse NCLB to be included in it when students will benefit so greatly from strong school library programs staffed by highly qualified school library media specialists. The ALA Washington Office makes it much easier for us to show our support...Just do it! It matters for kids.
Friday, September 7, 2007
Act Now to Support the SKILLs Act
Reprinted from the AASLBlog - August 2, 2007
Filed under: AASL Community, Hot Topics
Posted on behalf of the ALA Washington Office: On Thursday, August 2, Representatives Raul Grijalva (D-AZ) and Vernon Ehlers (R-MI) sent a Dear Colleague letter asking Members of Congress to co-sponsor H.R. 2864, The Strengthening Kids' Interest in Learning and Libraries or SKILLs Act. This legislation is critical to the future of school library media specialists. Please contact your Representative immediately and ask them to co-sponsor the SKILLs Act, which:- Requires school districts, to the extent feasible, to ensure that every school within the district employs at least one highly qualified school library media specialist in each school library;- Defines highly qualified school library media specialists as those who have a bachelor's degree and have obtained full state certification as a school library media specialist or passed the state teacher licensing examination, with state certification in library media in such state;- Establishes as a state goal that there be at least one highly qualified school library media specialist in every public school no later than the beginning of the 2010-2011 school year;- Broadens the focus of training, professional development, and recruitment activities to include school library media specialists;- Ensures that funds will serve elementary, middle, and high school students; and- Requires books and materials to be appropriate for and engage the interest of students in all grade levels and students with special learning needs, including English language learners.
For more information visit http://www.ala.org/ala/aasl/aaslissues/SKILLS_Act.cfm
Visit ALA Washington Office's Legislative Center at http://http://www.capwiz.com/ala/home
Filed under: AASL Community, Hot Topics
Posted on behalf of the ALA Washington Office: On Thursday, August 2, Representatives Raul Grijalva (D-AZ) and Vernon Ehlers (R-MI) sent a Dear Colleague letter asking Members of Congress to co-sponsor H.R. 2864, The Strengthening Kids' Interest in Learning and Libraries or SKILLs Act. This legislation is critical to the future of school library media specialists. Please contact your Representative immediately and ask them to co-sponsor the SKILLs Act, which:- Requires school districts, to the extent feasible, to ensure that every school within the district employs at least one highly qualified school library media specialist in each school library;- Defines highly qualified school library media specialists as those who have a bachelor's degree and have obtained full state certification as a school library media specialist or passed the state teacher licensing examination, with state certification in library media in such state;- Establishes as a state goal that there be at least one highly qualified school library media specialist in every public school no later than the beginning of the 2010-2011 school year;- Broadens the focus of training, professional development, and recruitment activities to include school library media specialists;- Ensures that funds will serve elementary, middle, and high school students; and- Requires books and materials to be appropriate for and engage the interest of students in all grade levels and students with special learning needs, including English language learners.
For more information visit http://www.ala.org/ala/aasl/aaslissues/SKILLS_Act.cfm
Visit ALA Washington Office's Legislative Center at http://http://www.capwiz.com/ala/home
NCLB Legislation
Reprinted from the AASLBlog - June 2007
Filed under: AASL Community
For the past two years the ALA Washington Office has been working hard to get school librarians into the No Child Left Behind legislation. At ALA Midwinter in 2005, Council passed a resolution directing them to work toward this! This hard work has been successful!!!!
On Tuesday, June 26, 2007 at Library Day on the Hill during the ALA conference here in DC, Senator Jack Reed will introduce his bill, cosigned by Senator Cochran, from Mississippi. There will also be a press conference at 12:00 noon on the House side of South Capital Street between C and D at the blue bookmobile. If you are in the area, regardless of the type of library, please attend and support school librarians everywhere!
Once the bill has been assigned a number -- both in the Senate and House, I will post them along with easy directions to contact your Senators and Congressmen to let them know you support the bill, to include school librarians in the highly category.
Support of this bill to get it passed and have school librarians in the highly qualified category in the reauthorization of NCLB will go a long way to helping save our positions and more important -- our profession!
There is also a resolution coming before Council on Wednesday, crafted by AASL Executive Committee member Dee Gwaltney to have ALA on record supporting this bill, which wil be sent to Congress.
And a note to all of those who say -- in print or in private -- that ALA does nothing for us (school librarians) and they should be doing something to save our jobs -- well they are, and now is your chance to thank them and get out the support to let Congress know we support this bill.
posted by J. Linda Williams
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Filed under: AASL Community
For the past two years the ALA Washington Office has been working hard to get school librarians into the No Child Left Behind legislation. At ALA Midwinter in 2005, Council passed a resolution directing them to work toward this! This hard work has been successful!!!!
On Tuesday, June 26, 2007 at Library Day on the Hill during the ALA conference here in DC, Senator Jack Reed will introduce his bill, cosigned by Senator Cochran, from Mississippi. There will also be a press conference at 12:00 noon on the House side of South Capital Street between C and D at the blue bookmobile. If you are in the area, regardless of the type of library, please attend and support school librarians everywhere!
Once the bill has been assigned a number -- both in the Senate and House, I will post them along with easy directions to contact your Senators and Congressmen to let them know you support the bill, to include school librarians in the highly category.
Support of this bill to get it passed and have school librarians in the highly qualified category in the reauthorization of NCLB will go a long way to helping save our positions and more important -- our profession!
There is also a resolution coming before Council on Wednesday, crafted by AASL Executive Committee member Dee Gwaltney to have ALA on record supporting this bill, which wil be sent to Congress.
And a note to all of those who say -- in print or in private -- that ALA does nothing for us (school librarians) and they should be doing something to save our jobs -- well they are, and now is your chance to thank them and get out the support to let Congress know we support this bill.
posted by J. Linda Williams
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International School Library Day
I received this from the Coordinator for the International School Library Day and thought it was worth sharing!
"The 9th Annual International School Library Day will soon be upon us. Officially the day is Monday October 22, 2007, however, many places around the world have decided to celebrate our special day at various times during October due to school holidays. The date of your celebration may be different but the message is the same 'Learning: Powered by your School Library'.
As you continue to develop your plans for your special celebration, I wanted to point out a few resources that you may wish to use.
The IASL’s International School Library Day main page may be accessed http://www.iasl-online.org/events/isld/
On the resource page http://www.iasl-online.org/events/isld/sldresources.html you will find:
International School Library Day logos that you can download and add to any promotional material. Remember that this logo is copyrighted and can not be modified in any way.
Sample letter (Word format) to promote ISLD in your area
ISLD 2007 Colouring page – black line master to download for kids to colour.
ISLD 2007 Poster – large and small coloured version of the ISLD 2007 poster to download and print out.
On the project page http://www.iasl-online.org/events/isld/isld-projects.html you will find:
Information on the bookmark project – hurry matching with schools ends by September 15
Information on the Email Around the World Project"
Remember --- school libraries matter and are worth celebrating!
"The 9th Annual International School Library Day will soon be upon us. Officially the day is Monday October 22, 2007, however, many places around the world have decided to celebrate our special day at various times during October due to school holidays. The date of your celebration may be different but the message is the same 'Learning: Powered by your School Library'.
As you continue to develop your plans for your special celebration, I wanted to point out a few resources that you may wish to use.
The IASL’s International School Library Day main page may be accessed http://www.iasl-online.org/events/isld/
On the resource page http://www.iasl-online.org/events/isld/sldresources.html you will find:
International School Library Day logos that you can download and add to any promotional material. Remember that this logo is copyrighted and can not be modified in any way.
Sample letter (Word format) to promote ISLD in your area
ISLD 2007 Colouring page – black line master to download for kids to colour.
ISLD 2007 Poster – large and small coloured version of the ISLD 2007 poster to download and print out.
On the project page http://www.iasl-online.org/events/isld/isld-projects.html you will find:
Information on the bookmark project – hurry matching with schools ends by September 15
Information on the Email Around the World Project"
Remember --- school libraries matter and are worth celebrating!
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